Every so often I find myself scrolling through Twitter/X and damn, what a cesspool. But also, so many people are still hanging out? I wish social media wasn’t so gross these days.
A few months have gone by, so obviously it was time to redesign my entire website. This version is way more simple and also slightly more complicated than the last. I did end up removing all semblance of connectivity — for now, at least, this place has no comments or likes, doesn't receive or send webmentions, and has really never heard of the indieweb.
That may come back in the future. Actually, comments and likes should definitely come back soon, but …
August 31, 2024
Do you ever think about how Musky Elmo basically killed the chances of “to tweet” ever genuinely entering the English language as a real life verb
Watching the sunset is one thing that always helps me remember that a bad moment, a bad minute or a bad hour doesn’t make a bad day, and a bad day doesn’t make a bad week, and a bad week doesn’t make a bad life. Everything is temporary, especially the shit moments. The bad day ends. A new day, a better day, is right around the corner.
…May 12, 2024
Accidentally ran my fastest 5k ever, today on my lunch break. 26:26 @ 5’20”/km. Wonder how fast I’d go if I was actually aiming for speed 🤔
Someone mentioned that by using a smaller sketchbook they were able to get past their art block more easily, which is a great idea. It doesn’t take long to fill one of these pages and it’s been a great way to warm up each day before diving into some larger pieces I’m working on.
April 12, 2024
Sometimes the shortest weeks feel like the longest.
I went into this with low expectations but am surprisingly pleased with how it turned out!
March 22, 2024
There have been 138 posts since 2019, but I've been complaining on the internet since long before then. Subscribe via RSS.