Showing posts tagged #web dev

Built-in cross-posting, if only I could get it to work

I've spent a few hours this evening trying to figure out how to have my posts here automatically post to Mastodon and Bluesky through the IndieConnector plugin. Mastodon was easy — it worked right away, though it did require a few tweaks to get it going exactly how I want. I have yet to push a single post through to Bluesky, though.

I keep running into a Undefined array key error …

November 09, 2024

Figured out why my RSS feed wasn't including any of the actual images from my blog. The fix requires completely changing how I handle images and manually going back and fixing all of my old posts. Yay! Web dev is so much fun, you guys!

September 11, 2024 @ 5:31PM

v 7.0.1

A few months have gone by, so obviously it was time to redesign my entire website. This version is way more simple and also slightly more complicated than the last. I did end up removing all semblance of connectivity — for now, at least, this place has no comments or likes, doesn't receive or send webmentions, and has really never heard of the indieweb.

That may come back in the future. Actually, comments and likes should definitely come back soon, but …

August 31, 2024

Always feels nice to push a new design to the website.

December 20, 2023 @ 3:14PM

I started saving pictures and videos of sunsets earlier this year with a very clear image in my head of a page where I could scroll through all of them at once. And so, I present:

August 22, 2023 @ 6:39PM

Tried to upgrade to Kirby 3.7 but that seems to break the Commentions plugin, which I barely got working to begin with. I'm smart enough to build a website, but not smart enough to make it fancy 😬

July 01, 2022 @ 5:54PM

Well would you look at that, I can officially tweet from my own website. "Officially" of course not meaning that it's auto-posted to Twitter, but tweet-like notes can now have a permanent home here.

June 14, 2022 @ 8:24PM

This will have to get easier

So the idea is that rather than scams of varying fungibility, the "future" of the internet (if such a thing can be quantified) ought to be everyone owning their own content à la IndieWeb. This is great! Imagine — instead of feeling like you have to create a profile on every new social media website (even though you're too old to really get TikTok), everyone just posts what they want on their own website. If someone gets really …

June 10, 2022

Listing year or month only once in blog archive

A few variations of this website ago, I decided I really liked the idea of listing the posts in my blog arranged by year and month. Basically, instead of each entry having the full date (year, month, and day), I want the list of blog posts to look like this:

- 2022 - May - Blog post - Blog post - Blog post - April - Blog post - March - Blog post - 2021 - December - Blog post - Blog post

Rather than creating loops for each year and month, I …

May 31, 2022

Leave a comment down below

I think? webmentions and comments are all set up on the blog. On the receiving end, anyway — I couldn't get the Sendmentions plugin to work to send out webmentions automatically when I make a new post. I suppose I can handle that manually for now. Anyway, now you can leave a comment like it's 2009 :)

May 30, 2022

There have been 138 posts since 2019, but I've been complaining on the internet since long before then. Subscribe via RSS.
