Taking In the Sights

I had a chance to spend some time at the Cindy Sherman exhibition at the Vancouver Art Gallery (October 26, 2019 - March 8, 2020) and while I have no photographic evidence of it, Cindy Sherman's work is and always has been a delight. This exhibition includes the entirety of Untitled Film Stills (1977-80) which I remember studying in college. The work is gorgeous up close, but best taken in with someone who appreciates the whimsy and imagination of Cindy Sherman.

A few other exhibitions were running at the same time in the Gallery, as well.

This is a piece from Transits and Returns, a showcase of work by indigenous artists that included all kinds of mediums, from acoustic work to sculpture and installations. I wish I could have spent more time here - I'd spent so long with Cindy that we had to take the rest of the Gallery at a quicker pace.

Goal for future me: See more art.

February 01, 2020
