Monthly Review: February 2023

I managed 5 weeks of weekly blogging ( #1, #2, #3, #4, #5) but I just don't do that much that's worth writing about; it probably makes more sense to try and do this on a monthly basis. Reading I (finally) finished book nine in the Wheel of …

Feeling like I could stand to redesign my website. Or, alternatively, I could just... not do that, and take a nap instead. How EVER will I decide, I wonder, as I make my way to the couch with a blanket


La Poutine Week is an event where restaurants all over Canada can put forth their best poutine and people try them and vote online. Most of the participating restaurants are in Quebec, which is maybe not surprising, but there were 11 options in Vancouver — though 2 of them were technically on Vancouver Island, which is a wholly different place, but I digress — so I thought it would be fun to try some of them out. I got to 4 of the restaurants within a 2-week period and got to try 3 poutines. Only 1 of them was actually worth recommending, though, and now I think I've had enough poutine to last me a year.

It's been over a month since I quit smoking weed and I don't really miss it, but damn; the aquarium would have been LIT if I had been stoned. Though I probably would have been even more devastated when I found out they were sold out of poutine.

Weeknotes #5

I finally pulled out my paints and brushes this week and got started on a new piece. It isn’t much to look at just yet, but I am excited to see where it goes and it’s really nice to have something new to work on. Reading About halfway …

Slept a little funny, I guess, and now I can’t turn my head more than an inch to the left. Thanks, I hate it!

Weeknotes #4

It feels like it hasn’t stopped raining in Vancouver for months. The occasional clear day isn’t quite enough to make up for it. Dreaming of somewhere sunny. Work is picking up after a long slow season, and it looks like I’m in for a busy …

Is everything annoying and bad and wrong or am I just in a mood? Nah, pretty sure it’s not me. I’m a goddamn delight.


Have reached the point where I could upgrade from my more-than-a-couple-years-old iPhone SE to … well, something else. But am I impressed or excited about the iPhone whatever? No. The Samsung or Pixel options? Also no. What’s a guy to do?

Weeknotes #3

It has been two whole weeks since I stopped smoking weed. Is that a milestone worth celebrating? All I know is that I don’t have any desire to start up again. New year, new me, or something. I have been feeling a bit uninspired lately, …